Tuesday, March 5, 2013

assalamualaikum friends!!!! year 2013..
alhamdulillah at last dapat jugak post basic kaunseling hiv/aids!! hampir2 giv-up. but this time intake agak ramai.. its not our fault!! they keep telling if ramai sgt nanti output kurang berkualiti.. maybe betul sbb kalau posting ramai2 kat satu tempat mesti client rimas n kurang nak bg kerjasama.. i can feel it.. tapi kita kne kerja kuat la.. you want something you have work for it!! lagi pon yang jadi 'tutor' kitaorg - doktor2 pakar! they all sibuk but still spend time untuk ajar kitaorg...  dalam course nie banyak berjalan!! tu yg kita suke!!! lawatan @ shelter home n id clinic mmg byk dapat info n the best technique untuk give the best for uor client. diaorg was so sensitive about status diaorg. sometimes diaorg rasa smua org disekeliling mereka tahu yang diaorg was hiv +ve. lagi satu, people stigma n discrimination.. maybe benda2 tu dah semakin berkurangan but its still there. mostly people bila dgr hiv terus automatic fikir that disease disebabkan bad behavior. betul kan? senang cakap they didn't ask for it.. x siapa pon nak jadi bad people.. diaorg ada sebab yang membuatkan diaorg tersalah pilih jalan hidup diaorg. kita yang bernasib baik x layak nak hukum diaorg dengan pandangan serong kita. kita ade bahagian masing2... mohon pada Allah dijauhkan dari perkara2 yang tak baik. pls giv diaorg nie support untuk menjalani hidup seperti org normal.. yang lain2 tu urusan diaorg dgn tuhan.. but kesian tgk budak2 and wanita2 yang jadi mangsa pihak yang x bertanggungjawab.. hhmmm.. doakan yang terbaik untuk semua...  kengkawan!!! semoga kita berjaya dengan cemerlangnya!!!! amin... 

*share something!!! take your time to read.. :p

US doctors cure child born with HIV

Mississippi doctors make medical history made with first 'functional cure' of unnamed two-year-old born with the virus who now needs no medication

• Research provides hope of a 'functional cure' for AIDS

Doctors in the US have made medical history by effectively curing a child born with HIV, the first time such a case has been documented.
The infant, who is now two and a half, needs no medication for HIV, has a normal life expectancy and is highly unlikely to be infectious to others, doctors believe.
Though medical staff and scientists are unclear why the treatment was effective, the surprise success has raised hopes that the therapy might ultimately help doctors eradicate the virus among newborns.
Doctors did not release the name or sex of the child to protect the patient's identity, but said the infant was born, and lived, in Mississippi state. Details of the case were unveiled on Sunday at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections in Atlanta.
Dr Hannah Gay, who cared for the child at the University of Mississippi medical centre, told the Guardian the case amounted to the first "functional cure" of an HIV-infected child. A patient is functionally cured of HIV when standard tests are negative for the virus, but it is likely that a tiny amount remains in their body.
"Now, after at least one year of taking no medicine, this child's blood remains free of virus even on the most sensitive tests available," Gay said.
"We expect that this baby has great chances for a long, healthy life. We are certainly hoping that this approach could lead to the same outcome in many other high-risk babies," she added.
The number of babies born with HIV in developed countries has fallen dramatically with the advent of better drugs and prevention strategies. Typically, women with HIV are given antiretroviral drugs during pregnancy to minimise the amount of virus in their blood. Their newborns go on courses of drugs too, to reduce their risk of infection further. The strategy can stop around 98% of HIV transmission from mother to child.
In the UK and Ireland, around 1,200 children are living with HIV they picked up in the womb, during birth, or while being breastfed. If an infected mother's placenta is healthy, the virus tends not to cross into the child earlier in pregnancy, but can in labour and delivery.
The problem is far more serious in developing countries. In sub-Saharan Africa, around 387,500 children aged 14 and under were receiving antiretroviral therapy in 2010. Many were born with the infection. Nearly 2 million more children of the same age in the region are in need of the drugs.
In the latest case, the mother was unaware she had HIV until after a standard test came back positive while she was in labour. "She was too near delivery to give even the dose of medicine that we routinely use in labour. So the baby's risk of infection was significantly higher than we usually see," said Gay.
Doctors began treating the baby 30 hours after birth. Unusually, they put the child on a course of three antiretroviral drugs, given as liquids through a syringe. The traditional treatment to try to prevent transmission after birth is a course of a single antiretroviral drug. The doctor opted for the more aggressive treatment because the mother had not received any during her pregnancy.
Several days later, blood drawn from the baby before treatment started showed the child was infected, probably shortly before birth. The doctors continued with the drugs and expected the child to take them for life.
However, within a month of starting therapy, the level of HIV in the baby's blood had fallen so low that routine lab tests failed to detect it.
The mother and baby continued regular clinic visits to the clinic for the next year, but then began to miss appointments, and eventually stopped attending all together. The child had no medication from the age of 18 months, and did not see doctors again until it was nearly two years old.
"We did not see this child at all for a period of about five months," Gay told the Guardian. "When they did return to care aged 23 months, I fully expected that the baby would have a high viral load."
When the mother and child arrived back at the clinic, Gay ordered several HIV tests, and expected the virus to have returned to high levels. But she was stunned by the results. "All of the tests came back negative, very much to my surprise," she said.
The case was so extraordinary, Dr Gay called a colleague, Katherine Luzuriaga, an immunologist at Massachusetts Medical School, who with another scientist, Deborah Persaud at Johns Hopkins Children's Centre in Baltimore, had far more sensitive blood tests to hand. They checked the baby's blood and found traces of HIV, but no viruses that were capable of multiplying.
The team believe the child was cured because the treatment was so potent and given swiftly after birth. The drugs stopped the virus from replicating in short-lived, active immune cells, but another effect was crucial. The drugs also blocked the infection of other, long-lived white blood cells, called CD4, which can harbour HIV for years. These CD4 cells behave like hideouts, and can replace HIV that is lost when active immune cells die.
The treatment would not work in older children or adults because the virus will have already infected their CD4 cells.
"Prompt antiviral therapy in newborns that begins within days of exposure may help infants clear the virus and achieve long-term remission without lifelong treatment by preventing such viral hideouts from forming in the first place," said Dr Persaud. "Our next step is to find out if this is a highly unusual response to very early antiretroviral therapy or something we can actually replicate in other high-risk newborns."
Children infected with HIV are given antiretroviral drugs with the intent to treat them for life, and Gay warned that anyone who takes the drugs must remain on them.
"It is far too early for anyone to try stopping effective therapy just to see if the virus comes back," she said.
Until scientists better understand how they cured the child, Gay emphasised that prevention is the most reliable way to stop babies contracting the virus from infected mothers. "Prevention really is the best cure, and we already have proven strategies that can prevent 98% of newborn infections by identifying and treating HIV-positive women," she said.
Genevieve Edwards, a spokesperson for the Terrence Higgins Trust HIV/Aids charity, said: "This is an interesting case, but I don't think it has implications for the antenatal screening programme in the UK, because it already takes steps to ensure that 98% to 99% of babies born to HIV-positive mothers are born without HIV."

Monday, December 31, 2012


salam 2013!!!! arghh.. umur bertambah lagi.. soo... whats up you alls??!! me.. nothing much.. but yang bestnye tahun nie dapat g jenjalan byk tempat , mak abah dah selamat menunaikan haji dan anak-anak alhamdulillah ok!! kje? ok je..
Untuk this year hopefully kehidupan sekeluarga menuju perubahan  ke arah lebih baik, my family & kids sihat, dimurahkan rezeki and bahagia forever n diberkati oleh NYA...
 adam dah start pre school so harap2 everything gonna be ok.. adam kene belajar pandai2 tau! iecha, next year its your turn. size kecik sgt la sayang.. nanti makan byk2 kasi cepat besar n boleh pergi sekolah!! i luv you all!!! happy new year!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

salam akhir ramadhan.. lagi sehari nak raya. lepas tu smua back to mcm biasa... time bulan puasa kerja ada kurang sikit. but yang special nye puasa tahun nie, adam dah start puasa!!! mula2 ingat nak suruh dia puasa setengah hari, tapi tgk dia ok je so cont satu hari. dan begitu la untuk hari2 seterusnya.. tapi tgh syok2 puasa dia kne chicken pox pulak.. missed 3 hari puasa. alhamdulillah dia x demam n still aktif, just klua vesicle tu mcm x klua smua. takut dia kne lagi nanti. kelakar pulak bila tgk muka dia ade pokkadots merah2. hehehe.. once igtkan dia ape2 makanan yang dia kne pantang sampai kat rumah opah pon dia cakap "adam x boleh makan bla..bla..bla.." opah tanya kenapa? dia jawab nanti gatal2 dgn berparut! nak raya nanti x hemsem!!! kids... apa pon alhamdulillah sepanjang bulan ramadhan nie xde masalah... 
ok.. dikesempatan ini saya nak ucapkan Selamat Menymbut Hari Raya Aidilfitri Dan Maaf Zahir Batin kepada my brothers n sister, cousin2, sanak saudara dan sahabat handai. semoga bergembira di hari mulia ini!!! luv you alls!!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

hehehehehe... :p

assalamualaikum... hii!! last week my sister balik sini!! ilang rindu kat diaorg. dapat tgk si aqeel aka atel!!! dah besar..afiq,his brother pon sama.  then all my bro pon blk kg. siap buat makan2 lagi! steamboat, kambing panggang, etc la!!! weekend tu mmg kenyang sokmo! but diaorg balik  kejap je.. only for 1 week. today dah blk sana blk. wish them have a smooth journey n selamat semuanya... bye korang2!!


                                                                   ramai kan kat umah kte!!

                                                                      iecha n papito  

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

assalamualaikum... its new year!!!

hi! dah masuk 2012.. azam tahun baru?? yang lama pon x terlaksana lagi.. kita hanya mampu merancang... but yang penting kita tetap mendoakan kebahagiaan keluarga dan anak2. risau dengan masalah2 yang wujud sekarang. buat hati x tenteram. Nauzubillah.. semoga ALLAH melindungi kita dan terutamanya anak2 kita. kurniakan kesihatan dan panjangkan umur. Jauhkan dari perkara2 yang mendatangakan kemusnahan.. untuk kerja, hopefully peluang untuk maju ke hadapan terbuka luas. kenkawan yg lain, good luck!! anak2 mummy, mummy really luv u! belajar rajin2 n be a good person. make me proud. HApPy NeW YEaR!!!

Monday, June 6, 2011


dah lama x bukak blog sampai kne reactivate!! hehehe.. nothing to share.. same things happen everyday.. pegi kje, uruskan family, online shopping ( yang nie wajib!!) n tgh tunggu nak apply post basic! x salah offer on july nanti. thats mean dah nak bulan puasa.... x kisah la.. n now i tgh in luv dgn shawl!! my feberet icon is.. hana tajima!!!! lambat kan i? biar lah... n one more thing, today ade terbaca about one guy nie.. jom share.. 

First man ‘functionally cured’ of HIV

Since HIV was discovered 30 years ago this week, 30 million people have died from the disease, and it continues to spread at the rate of 7,000 people per day globally, the UN says.
There's not much good news when it comes to this devastating virus. But that is perhaps why the story of the man scientists call the "Berlin patient" is so remarkable and has generated so much excitement among the HIV advocacy community.
Timothy Ray Brown suffered from both leukemia and HIV when he received a bone marrow stem cell transplant in Berlin, Germany in 2007. The transplant came from a man who was immune to HIV, which scientists say about 1 percent of Caucasians are. (According to San Francisco's CBS affiliate, the trait may be passed down from ancestors who became immune to the plague centuries ago. This Wired story says it was more likely passed down from people who became immune to a smallpox-like disease.)
What happened next has stunned the dozens of scientists who are closely monitoring Brown: His HIV went away.
"He has no replicating virus and he isn't taking any medication. And he will now probably never have any problems with HIV," his doctor Gero Huetter told Reuters. Brown now lives in the Bay Area, and suffers from some mild neurological difficulties after the operation. "It makes me very happy," he says of the incredible cure.
The development of anti-retroviral drugs in the 1990s was the first sign of hope in the epidemic, transforming the disease from a sudden killer to a more manageable illness that could be lived with for decades. But still, the miraculous cocktail of drugs is expensive, costing $13 billion a year in developing countries alone,according to Reuters. That figure is expected to triple in 20 years--raising the worry that more sick people will not be able to afford treatment.
Although Brown's story is remarkable, scientists were quick to point out that bone marrow transplants can be fatal, and there's no way Brown's treatment could be applied to the 33.3 million people around the world living with HIV. The discovery does encourage "cure research," according to Dr. Jay Levy, who co-discovered HIV thirty years ago, something that many people did not even think was possible years ago.

well... what do you think? interesting kan!  kalau betul2 ade treatment for this disease whats going to happen? good or bad.. to me ade baik n buruknya.. ape2 pon semoga ALLAH S.W.T akan sentiasa melindungi kita dari sebarang bencana dan .. of course kita sendiri cuba elakkan perkara2 yang mendtgkan kemudaratan.. amin....

Sunday, May 8, 2011

may 2011

assalamualaikum... its already may.. untuk bln nie

08/05/11 - ,Pn. Jariah! - even dia g jalan pulau pangkor... happy mothers day!!! nak wish pon uncontactable..
12/05/11 - to my luv - late aidid haikal- al-fatihah... mummy syg aidid! you give me such a beautiful memorie
                  since i know u 'live' inside me.
                - and of coz to all the nurses - happy nurses day!!
16/05/11 - my sis ayu- happy teachers day! p/s kalau x kje pon celebrate gak ke? heheheh..
23/05/11 - happy 4th birthday adam harris!!! mummy sayang adam! be a good boy!!
ade lagi?